• 2900 Albany Highway, Kelmscott Western Australia 6111
  • Open Hours 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday
    9 am to 1 pm Friday
    Closed Saturday, Sunday & public Holidays
Our Services

Audiology Screening

Do you have any concerns about your hearing?

Take a quick Survey**

  1. Do friends or family often become frustrated with you when you haven't heard what they say? YES or NO
  2. Do you find it hard to follow conversations on the phone and ofter can't hear who you're speaking to? YES or NO
  3. Do you used to find it easier to join in on group conversations? YES or NO
  4. Do you mishear what people say and respond with an incorrect or inappropriate answer? YES or NO
  5. Do you ever experience ringing in the ears that doesn't seem to go away? YES or NO
  6. Do you or did you ever work in an Industrial or loud noise environment? YES or NO

Why test hearing?
Age, Environmental and health factors play roles in hearing loss.

Our clinical staff are proactive in prevention and intervention providing Medicare billed Audiology screening at our practice. Our staff can perform this quick Audiometic testing onsite. The results are instant. 

After checking these results your Doctor may, if necessary refer you for further testing or to the ENT specialist.